³ûÄñÊÓƵ’s Pro-Bono Physical Therapy Clinic, which is housed in the ³ûÄñÊÓƵ Downtown Center, provides physical therapy services to low-income community members. Patients receive free evaluations, diagnosis and treatments from Doctor of Physical Therapy students, who are supervised by PT faculty and PT volunteers. The clinic, which opened in 2017, treats patients referred by , a nonprofit organization that offers free medical and dental care to uninsured residents of Hall County.

Pro-Bono Clinic

DPT students have the opportunity to work in the pro-bono clinic, starting in their fifth semester. By serving at the clinic, students gain valuable hands-on experience, build meaningful patient connections and make a difference in people’s lives.

Mary Thigpen
The students learn about those who may not be as fortunate as they are. They learn about these different tiers of our society, and how much some do have and how much others may not.
Jeffrey May
I get to learn the stories of the people that come in, learn about them and what they’ve gone through, and see how strong they are as individuals to even get to where they are now, despite having so much going against them. It’s a passion of mine to see them getting care that I believe is correct and appropriate. It’s not a treadmill of getting them in and out and hitting a number, it’s about seeing a change.

Contact Us

Mary Thigpen
Associate Professor of Physical Therapy
Pro-Bono Clinic liaison