What Are the GACE Assessments?

The  is Georgia’s state-approved educator certification assessment program. The purpose of the GACE assessments is to help the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) ensure that candidates have the knowledge and skills needed to perform the job of an educator in Georgia’s public schools. These computer-delivered assessments have been developed by the GaPSC and Educational Testing Service (ETS).

All GACE assessments are aligned with the state standards for the P–12 curriculum and with state and national content standards. Each GACE test was developed with diverse representation of Georgia educators from across the state, including the participation of committees of Georgia educators, educator preparation faculty, and other content and assessment specialists, including individuals from school systems, local schools, institutions of higher education (public and private), and other stakeholders. In other words, each GACE assessment was developed by Georgia educators to measure competency on what is taught in Georgia’s P–12 classrooms.

Who Takes the GACE Assessments and Why?

The GACE assessments are taken by individuals seeking admission to an educator preparation program, seeking educator certification in the State of Georgia, and/or seeking to become highly qualified in a core academic subject. Examinees should refer to the  if they have questions about which tests they need for their individual certification. The GaPSC’s email address for certification questions is mail@gapsc.com.

What Assessments Are Offered?

The GACE assessments consist of six main assessment types: Program Admission, Content, Certificate Upgrade, Educational Leadership, Georgia Ethics, and Paraprofessional. See a complete list of .

GACE Assessments


The content assessments test a variety of content knowledge areas. Assessments consist of either one or two tests and contain selected-response questions, and, in some cases, one or more constructed-response (written, spoken, or signed) assignments. See  for specific information about each one.

Certificate Upgrade

The assessments for certificate upgrades in Curriculum and Instruction and in Instructional Technology were developed for educators seeking to achieve the professional level of certification in these fields. Each assessment consists of one test composed of selected-response questions and three or four constructed-response assignments.

The portfolio-based  was developed to assess the critical leadership roles that teachers play in contributing to student and school success. It consists of six tasks which are scored according to task-specific rubrics. Each task addresses specific standards within the Georgia Teacher Leadership Program Standards.

Educational Leadership

The Educational Leadership assessment is designed to assess knowledge and skills needed by educational leaders in Georgia schools. The assessment consists of one test composed of selected-response questions and four constructed-response assignments.

Georgia Ethics

The  is a training and assessment program composed of a series of modules that combine instruction and testing. The goal of the assessment is to help educators become familiar with, understand, and apply the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators, as well as comprehend and embrace the principles of ethical decision making in an educational context. The assessment is offered at two levels — Program Entry and Program Exit.